Saturday, January 26, 2013

Oh, I've been so bad...

...why have I been so bad??  Because I haven't posted anything in ages!  It's not that I've not been crafting.. I do have a lot less free time now that I've started my new job.. but it's all good.  I've been busy making lots of cards but not always taking pics of them (really do need to get a better camera!)
Here are some recent makes.  I've also been busy on what started out as a crochet granny square and is now about 4 sq ft in size! I'm going to keep going until it can be used as a throw for a bed.  It's great fun and really relaxing to make!  I'll take a pic soon... just to prove that there are no idle hands in this house!
All thoughts are now turning to holidays... want to do some special holidays this year.. about time we treated ourselves! So lots of googling ahead...!  oh I do love looking for holiday venues!
I'm off to do my nails now.. Leighton Denny Crushed Grape I think!  I just love that colour.. and I'm not sure Jailbird is a good idea for work, although I do love it!!   What do you think??


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Cupboard Trilogy Challenge #7 Lead By Example

Happy New Year everyone! What better way to start the new year than with a new challenge at the Cupboard Trilogy!   It's hard to think we are now in our 7th challenge month!  I love this one.. the DT spec was "Lead by Example" which pretty much means anything goes!   Here is my entry.. I hope you like it and it inspires in some way.. colours, layout, textures etc...

So why don't you pop on over to the Trilogy Challenge and see all the DT entries.  Can't wait to see all the lovely new creations, please just remember to mention which DT entry inspired you!