Monday, February 29, 2016

Still Monday!

Hello again!  Well, despite the need to look out of the window every 20 mins or so (previous posts will explain why!) I have actually managed to make a second card today!

It's been a lovely evening so far, relaxing and having a play.. this time with a Scruffy Little Cat image and some Copics!
Not a complicated card.. just simple and using my new Stampin' Up! punches too.

I love Scruffy Little Cat - the eyelashes are a-maz-ing!  LOL!

I'm going to enter this card in the following challenges:

Enjoy your evening! x

Another Monday!

Hello!  It's Monday again and I really have to say that I don't feel like I've had a weekend!   Every time I look out of the window I have a fear of seeing rivers of water!   Never was there more need to have a relaxing hobby to act as a perfect distraction!

I've been doing some colouring with Copics and Polychromos on this digi from Saturated Canary.  She was really fun to colour and I've gone for lovely warm colours (not at all reflective of how cold it is here today!)

I'm going to enter this card in the following challenges;

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Venice.. of East Central Scotland

Hi! No posts from me today.. the water issues that impacted us on Wednesday happened again last night at 9.30pm.. so I think we just write this weekend off..  :-(

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Gentle Astrid

Hello!  Well that's another week over.. and it was quite eventful!  I'm always glad when the weekend arrives but I do feel like I need this one!
Having a crafty start to the day, and a crafty afternoon lined up too.  Then the rest of the weekend is family stuff.

Here's another Miran digi.  I think I may be hooked!
I've also changed from my typical "warm grey" hair!  I need to practice!
I'm going to enter "Gentle Astrid" in these challenges. Pop over and see all the other entries - they are so inspirational!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

What a week!

Well first of all .. hello!

This week hasn't exactly turned out as planned.. no heating at work made the choice easy to work from home however.. Wednesday morning (a very loud ringing door bell and knocking by a neighbour) and this was the sight to see.. a river, fast moving, white water.. where the rather sedate and peaceful cycle path right next to our house would normally be!  The answer?  I burst water main..   luckily the 3' wall beside our house stayed strong.. if the water had been an inch higher? well a different outcome.  Sadly some neighbours were not so lucky.. my heart goes out to them.

Pics will follow.. we have no broadband at the moment.. apparently the force and depth of the water has washed the "switch" "box" whatever its called.. away!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Define Normal?

Hi! Just a very quick card from me today, it's been a busy one!

Hope your week is going well!

I'm going to enter this card in the following challenges:

Monday, February 22, 2016

One tiny corner...

Hi!  I thought I would share one tiny corner of my craft space (and I do mean "tiny"!).  It might be tiny but it means a whole lot.. and to me it's what crafting is all about.  Seeing a need for some personalised items on my desk my one and only child decided that decopatch was the way to go (well it is great fun!)  And she decided that what I really needed was a reminder that I was a "MUM"..(like I would ever forget!) and a flower pot to use as a desk tidy (actually its great.. no more am I covered in the little hexagonal backs from SU! dimentionals!)  So right now, I am feeling like a very lucky lady!

Cherry Blossom

Hello! And so here we are at the start of another new week!  Lovely blue sky here today. Lets hope spring is on it's way!
I felt inspired to give the blog a bit of a makeover this morning.  Something nice and bright!

I also finished off a card that I started at the weekend. This digi is called Cherry Blossom from Art By Miran.  I coloured her with Polychromos.  Took me over an hour.  I think I might try again and use Promarkers as she is a lovely image to colour. Lots of detail!

I'm going to enter this card in the following challenges;

I'm going to spend the rest of the morning doing some tidying - the craft room floor seems to have gone missing (again!).  And then a task I have been meaning to do for ages.. go through all the boxes of cards I have made before that are just lying around!  Still not sure what I'm going to do with them all!
The some work this afternoon.. but hopefully not too much!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Bridgette in Love

Hi! Hope you're having a lovely weekend!  I'm having a busy one so crafting time is at a minimum. I did manage time to make this card though..

She's a digi from Make it Crafty called "Bridgette In Love".  Great fun to colour with Polychromos and Copics.  I didn't have much time to think about how to embellish so I kept it simple with three roses.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Gypsy Dancer

Well, here we are again.. Friday!  Always a day to celebrate and this time with a dance!

Not my usual style or colour choice but I was just kind of having a play with the Polychromos.. still getting used to them and thought I would have a practice on this lovely Saturated Canary digi.

She's definitely bright!
I messed up a little bit when blending her lips (should have sharpened the pencil).. but I still like her.. so she was good enough (in my opinion.. lol!)  for a card..

Here she is ready for her close up!

I'm going to enter her in these challenges;

The Crafty Addicts (Anything Goes/Spots or Stripes)

Enjoy your Friday evening everyone! x

Thursday, February 18, 2016


So.... the post title.. "Yay!"   Two reasons.. no three reasons!  (none of them major so no need for a drum roll or anything fancy!)

1. It's Thursday! which means it's nearly Friday.. which is good in itself but we also have plans to visit friends this weekend which makes it even better!
2. The postie brought me a new stamp set I have wanted for ages! (see below)
3. I had a busy but gooooooood day at work!  and it's Thursday! (did I mention that?)

So, what have I been up to?

Here's what the postie brought me..

Not had a chance to play yet.. there is a lot of competition in this house for anything crafty.. but to be honest, I didn't expect a cat to be quite such a fan...

She persisted trying to nudge and walk all over the craftiness for about 30 minutes!!

But not long enough to stop me making a special card for a friend who is into... sharks! 
Thank goodness for google!   I found the digi used on this card over at the amazing Tiddly Inks.. I usually stick with Wryn and the girls, didn't realise there was such an amazing range of digis there!

Anyway, I'm not claiming originality for this one. I found a card made using this set and decided to go with something very similar.  Here it is... coloured with copics...

Anyway, enough from me on this post.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Make a Wish

Hello from a chilly, now wet (was snowing) Scotland.
I can't wait for the better weather so I can stop referring to cold, wet and windy!
I'll just need to make do by focusing on the thoughts of summer holidays as the time is going in so quickly.
I've had a bit of a rummage through stamps I've not used for a while and found one of a range that I admit I don't have very many of "House Mouse".  In fact, I think this may be the only one I have!

I like this little guy, he's cute! And the sentiment seemed just right.

I'm going to enter this card in a few challenges.  Why not pop on over and see all the lovely creations submitted at these challenge blogs!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Hailey Hummingbird

Hello!  Busy enjoying being on holiday here today as the schools are off.  It's a shame the weather is so cold, wet and miserable but it's lovely and warm in the house!

A time for some mum and daughter crafting time.  She's busy with the polychromos at the moment, and doing really well with them!  I might need to buy more as there are some obvious gaps in the range the set of 60 offers.

I've been playing with my new Whipper Snapper Designs stamp called "Hailey Hummingbird".  I've stuck with the colours used on the image that comes with the stamp for this first attempt.

The swirls in the background are white on white and my photo skills are lacking!

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges;

Bunny Zoe's Crafts (Things with wings)

Monday, February 15, 2016

A little piece of tranquility

Sometimes you just need a little change from the routine to re-charge the batteries.  That was our weekend staying in the grounds of the very stately Blairquhan Castle in Ayrshire.  And, luckily, the Scottish weather was very much in our favour!  Clear blue skies and sunshine!   A lovely way to spend the Valentines weekend!

When you drive along country roads and see grand entrances with quaint little gate houses guarding the way.. and the sign which says "Private" I often think about what hidden treasures are hidden down the long winding tree lined driveways.   This weekend we got to discover one set of treasures!

If this castle looks familiar it was used in the 2006 film starring Helen Mirren "The Queen" as a double for Balmoral.

And we took in a wee bit of history too..

A fantastic weekend all round! 

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Fresh Air!

Hello!  I'm sorry I've not posted much this week.  It's been soooooo busy at work.  I was going to do some crafting Wednesday/Thursday but got distracted by helping with homework on the subject of the connection (or not!) between the Oxygen Bump and Evolution.  (Don't ask).

But that's not the reason for the post title of "Fresh Air"...  oh no, this is the reason..

This is just one part of the scenery where I am at the moment.  Limited on getting pics uploaded so I'll share more next when I'm back into the normal routine!
I hope you are all having a lovely weekend!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Love You Chick!

Not much crafty time today so this is a really simple make!

I'm going to enter this little chick in the following challenges:

Monday, February 8, 2016

So pretty

Hello! and welcome to the start of a new week!
It's a cold, wet Monday here.  I've been taking some time out today to colour this lovely image from All Dressed Up.  She's a joy to colour!

I'm going to enter her in the following challenges:


Sunday, February 7, 2016


Here's a card with my new Stamping Bella stamp "Samantha and Sierra take a Selfie".
I just love coloring Stamping Bella images and this one is just what you need on a cold, wet and windy day here in Scotland.  A chance to feel a bit warmer and enjoy a cocktail!  Makes me glad I've already got holidays booked for this year!
I've coloured the ladies with a mix of Copics and Polychromos.

I'm going to enter this card in the Lacy Sunshine challenge.

New stuff!

Some new goodies to play with!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Hello friend..


What a busy day it's been today so not much time to craft.  In the spirit of keeping things simple I have this little frog saying "hello friend".   Kind of appropriate for today, as I've spent it with lots of crafty friends!
Hope you have a lovely weekend!

I'm going to enter this little frog in the following challenges;

Friday, February 5, 2016


Hello! And it's Friday again!  Wet and cold here. But that's ok as it's a night for relaxing!  It's been a busy week and I really did intend to try and do some crafting, unfortunately the social life got the better of me.. a lovely meal out on Wednesday night (totally not the norm for us) and then a Burns Supper last night - hosted by the kids at school!  And they were amazing!  Dancing, poetry, song.. and they served about 200 people with haggis, neeps and tatties!
It's just great to see Primary 7 (so that's 10/11 year olds) being so confident!  I know lots of people that would never stand up in front of a room of 200 people and say one line.. let alone recite Burns poetry (lets face it, it's not the easiest!)

Anyway, back to the crafting!
Got a new digi.. and she's got attitude!  (what ever!!)

Coloured her skin with alcohol pens (I need to get some practice with the Polychromos).

Then I had a play!!

And here she is! I had such fun doing the hair.  This is so not my usual style!

I'm hopeful for some time this weekend to play some more.  A little package of goodies arrived which I've not unpacked yet. I will reveal more tomorrow!

I'm going to enter this card in the following challenges;

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Tilda with a Thistle

Hello! What a busy start to the week it's been.. not much time to play.  The weather has been wild again today but "Henry" seems to be on his way (mostly).

I found a stamp I haven't used in a very long time!

I'm going to enter Tilda in these challenges;

Why not pop on over and see all the lovely entries from some very talented people!

Monday, February 1, 2016


Hello! Well, it's Monday again and I guess we also have to say hello to Storm Henry who is making his arrival felt here in central Scotland.
Luckily he didn't get in the way of the crafty delivery for today.  I've been wishing the days away since ordering these..  POLYCHROMOS from Faber-Castell. 
Aren't they gorgeous!?

I got the set of 60 and the colours are amazing, although I already know I want more! Luckily you can buy them individually so I may need to see which colours I need to compliment this set!

So what better than to get a new toy, and then get to play with it!   Here's my first attempt (although I have done the hair and skin with Copics).  These pencils are lovely to work with.  They have a totally different feel to Prismacolor. 
More practice needed!

I'm going to enter this card in the following challenges;
