Thursday, April 26, 2018

Foamiran... first attempts


Well I've never been known to be good at resisting the temptation of trying some new craft product, so it's kind of amazing that I've not tried Foamiran before now..  but curiosity got the better of me (meaning I had to order lots of it in nearly every colour!!)

And here are my first attempts!  I have to say I like them.. and they can only improve!

I used chalks and Inka Gold to add colour - three are white foamiran and one turquoise.  I think the lesson for me is you don't really need it in EVERY colour (if you have enough colouring mediums hiding out in your craft room! LOL!)

Now... to make more!!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

It's Challenge Time Again!


Here we are again.. time for another challenge over at Lil Patch of Crafty Friends!  As always, it's Anything Goes!  We're delighted to be sponsored by Peppercus Design.  Why not pop on over and join us?

Have fun!