I'm back! The move went very smoothly except my craft stash seems to have multiplied whilst it was packed away in what seemed like an endless amount of boxes! Needless to say a different room layout and a new desk is taking a bit to get used to and this is my first day of being able to sit down and even think of blogging! I still have about six boxes worth of craft stuff in the spare room but I think I can live with that! I really need to get my creative juices going again! I have some thank you cards to make so that will be a good place to start!
I'm also going to post soon about a Candy giveaway as I've missed my 10,000 visitor while I was moving! So watch this space and I will get something sorted out soon!
Here are some pics of my new craft space - it's compact and bijoux!! Will this affect my ability to shop?? Hmm, not if all my future purchases are small! Thank goodness for unmounted stamps!!